Thursday, August 28, 2008

What is LOVE???

I really wanna know what is LOVE...(To Nachi n Ely -Chan...I am not in LOVE)back to the topic..I always wonder..Fell in love...Then go out...Go steady...Break up or Got marry...Then have kids..Live till both die...It's normal....well actually since now Ely Chan and Nachi in lovey dovey mood..It got me thinking...I Know love..when you love people your hearts ache when you guys are far away..Miss each other...when something happen to the other the other one start to feel weird and start to get worry...if you really love that person even if you cannot really be at his or her side it okay as long as you can still see him or her from far..Even if it hurt when you see the other are so close with someone you love but you still grin you teeth and smile since you cannot be at his or her side still..And as long as he or her is happy you are happy..This is love right??

But i always wonder..If you fell in love with the same sex..people say bad thing bout you and look down on you..I know it wrong to fall in love with the same sex..It really got me thinking...Do you love your gf or bf coz they are your opposite sex..If you are gf is a boy will you still love him or your bf is a girl will you still love her..It got me wonder..It not that i have anything against god rule..God make people with feeling...sadness happinese love ect...i really wanna know why falling in love with the same sex is forbidden not coz god say so..everyone know that..Why people look down on this type of people...They thought that they are so prefect that they can judge people..I somehow hate this type of person..

I keep on asking this question..but somehow i cannot get any satisfying answer...I read manga,books,novel,newspaper and surf internet for the answer..I ask people still i cannot get the answer that satisfied me enough..What is actually LOVE??

ps...Nachi and Ely-chan wanna know why i dont have a crush...Well may be coz i dont really know what love is...I mean i know how to love family and friends...When i think back I kinda find out that to Love people who is not my family or friend is.......Weird and i mean weird not feeling strange but weird......Drop me a comment or two..i wanna know from other people point of view of love..

-MY FALLIN' ANGEL chimamireno kuroi hane...



Natch said...

here i would like to say.
do not questions allah's commandments
he made man and woman because its completes each other..
its wrong to love the same sex because, allah had already write the fate of one's person in HIS BOOK..
that is why allah made an adam and eve..

if he wants people to follow their own opinion and stuff..he would have not made eve..he would just made john..

so..there will be only guys living in this world..

adam and john...married, got kids..and the kids are also guys...and poof..till now..guys woman...just animals..

get what i am tryin to say??

to say it i wont love ming if he is a girl..i wont even swoon at him.

seriously..i would just make him my friend..

sad to say..i look differently at gays and lesbos..yes...your own best friend is the type you hate..

but hey, you own best friend is telling the truth.

no...i didnt think im perfect or something..its just that..i truly believe in god's commandements..and i dare not defy it..
its something you believe do not need proof to believe..


you still dont have a crush or something similiar coz you are not really exposed to the world..

yea..sure..internet,manga,anime and stuff could show you..but could it give you your own-to-learn experience??no..

you have to step out and experience to know the meaning of LOVE

hell..even i dont have any idea wth is love..and i claim myself to be in love whenever i can...

i just trust my feelings and believe my instinct..

you know what seriously have to experience yourself these kind of things before you ask people what is love..

Natch said...

pss..anyway..if my english go on my comment or my spelling just sucked...pardon this humble and a total genius me..>.<


My recently fav Song.. Sang by BLEACH seiyuu