Sunday, December 14, 2008


Oow..I read you blog..I remember we talk bout it..We sat in the living room and u suddenly say..

You : U know ur brother like Emmett..

Me : *Blink blink* Huh...

Ahahaha..Then when we wanna say Kak Nenchan like Rosalie..We're like

U & Me : Naaaaa*shake head*


It's true at that time people just hang out with me coz of my money..I think I was around 10..Hmm..You dunno anything bout me at that time except that I always bring manga to exam..In the exam hall..Both of us always rush to finish our exam so we can read manga..We finish our paper in bout 30 minute and both of us start reading manga..ahahahaha

Think that how we become close..Then anime..Digimon first then a bit of sailormoon..I hate school back then..Most people got Jealous of You coz You always got First in class..One of the reason why when I hang out with You..My "friend" got all work up that they dont even talk to me..I just follow them blindly and when i talk to them they ignore me..Seriouslly i think if I talk to the wall , the wall will answer me back.I was so stupid back then..I cannot believe that i still hang around them..

For a year i stay with the them..May be when i was 11 i finally start to fight for myself..I make sure that I bring diff manga everytime there's exam..Up until now i guess..The three of us..Me You n D..We dont actually have any friend to begin with..We hang out with diff crowd..We start to hang out with each other coz of anime i guess...ahahahah..

Until now i always stock up as many manga as possible..I just grap any manga i saw and stock my "libary" up...ahahhahaha...Old habit can never actually die i guess...heheheh...Some of the manga i dont even read..And when u come u will ask me..

U : This manga nice or not??

And I go

Me : Were u find those?..I dont remember I bought that manga...


Me : I bought those??


Me : *point at the manga* This one nice or not??

You : I dunno you are the one who bought it...

Ahahhahaahahha....I cannot believe that i dont remember buying manga at all..It just that when i saw the nice cover i just bought it..Well let just say that is part of my habit i dont actually waste it coz I kinda stock it for you..Hehehehe...Some of the manga have dust on it.."1 year of stock..May be that be enough for her.." or "Hmm..I wonder if she finish last year manga..need to stock up"...that what i always thought when i saw manga..It just like when ur parent got worry..Do you eat yet..are you okay ectect..I got worry for diff thing...hehehehe..

I suppose to post this on Xmas..12 sharp...
Sorry NACHIII ....

1 comment:

Natch said...

the comic thingy is funny..
i bet you dont remember what i borrowed from you ne..
(well, to be honest, sometimes i dont remember too)
btw..u made me sound very geeky yea...
yeah..i noe i am last time..
but a troublesome geeky yea..
never complete KT homework and have to stand outside and meet
D is no longer with us...
somehow we got E to be in her place..LOL..
a younger D..
thank god she's not like D.

oh yea oh yea...
random random..
E n F is very much like bella edward...
u n me are the reader nia..hahahaha

not soo random..
i wana say it a lot coz i cant sms u..hahah


My recently fav Song.. Sang by BLEACH seiyuu